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AFC Hosts a Free Legal Clinic Open Day for Vulnerable and Underprivileged People

Agape Family Care launched a campaign to inform and sensitize vulnerable individuals about their social rights. Due to various factors many individuals find themselves facing distinct disadvantages; due to their vulnerability or owing to tradition making them victims of violations. As a result, they require special protection for the equal and effective enjoyment of their human rights. These groups that are often discriminated and have difficulties defending themselves include: Women, Girls, Orphaned Children, Disabled persons, Widows and Elderly persons.

On the 14th of August 2023 Agape Family Care with the aid of the UFIC Legal Department organized an Open Day where Members of the Legal Department consulted with the members of the church and gave free legal advice and guidance on various legal issues affecting those who attended the Open Day. Clearance to hold the open day was given by the Law Society of Zimbabwe. A total of 10 legal practitioners attended to several people who had various legal issues which they needed guidance and assistance on.

All the people had an opportunity to consult one on one with the lawyers. The people had their issues vetted first and then referred to the lawyer/s with the necessary expertise on the matters in issue. The intricate details of the individual matters are supposed to be kept in confidence as required by law.



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