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#CelebratingLovePersonified Ruth Makandiwa Birthday Celebrations in Rushinga

Mazowe River Bridge Old People’s Home in Rushinga which was formerly a refugee camp had an experience of Gods love. On the 4th of September 2021- a very special day on our calendar- Ruth Emmanuel-Makandiwa’s birthday.

Over the years, she has clearly and unreservedly demonstrated how she spends her special day through spreading God’s love with the less privileged. This year the drought-prone Rushinga based Mazoe River Bridge Old People’s Home was visited by the Agape Family Care team together with a medical team of nurses under her instruction. Tucked away in the outskirts of the Mashonaland Central province, about 180km from Bindura the provincial capital, positioned across the border to Mashonaland West- Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe(UMP) and just shy of 20 kilometres to the Mozambique border.

With a current residency of 3 helpers and hosting of 15 elderly who are suffering from several chronic ailments from blindness, to diabetes, paralysis- coupled with high risk of the Covid-19. There are a plethora of inadequacies from dilapidation of buildings, water, sanitation, hygiene, lack of income, no cutlery, lack of proper cooking facilities, adult diapers, compromised security, health risks, vandalism and theft just to mention a few.

In the midst of all this; Ruth Emmanuel-Makandiwa, extended a helping hand to the institution which was in dire need of intervention.

The donation comprised of; blankets, shoes, mealie meal (1 tonne), Cases of sugar, cases of rice, Cases of cooking oil, Cases of sugar beans, Boxes of laundry soap, powdered milk, salt, soya chunks, bales of clothing, laundry dishes, kitchen dishes, plates, plates, cups, pots, buckets and water containers, sanitizers and disinfectant, boxes of surgical masks, boxes of latex gloves and PPE20, medical kit comprising of an infrared thermometer, BP machine, cotton wool, glucometer and strips.

As she always does, going beyond the aforementioned, the elderly were treated to a hearty breakfast which was unknown for a long time. Tears were evident in the teams present as they saw what seems like a right to many but a privilege to some. They blessed her as they enjoyed this mouth watery breakfast. After receiving the donation, the nurses did some medical check ups on all the elderly as well as educated the homes helpers on how to use the donated medical kits. It was a day well spent for the Agape Family Care team and a dream come true to the Mazowe River Bridge Old Peoples Home!



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