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“Changing The World With Jesus” - Mr Tapiwa Chizana (UFIC Youth Camp 2019)

Mr Tapiwa Chizana, one of the guest speakers at the 2019 UFIC Youth Camp,shared profound insights on how young Christian believers can change the world with Jesus on the 23rd of April 2019 at the UFIC Prayer Mountain in Chinhoyi.

Giving reference to scriptures and his own personal life as leader in the corporate world, Mr Chizana explained how God wants young people to bear fruit in all good works as everything was created by God and for God.

“God wants you to bear fruit in all good works!” Mr Chizana said as he exhorted the young people.
“The way you live must reflect the glory of God. At work, in school; we must bear fruit in every good work.”

Mr Chizana also challenged the young people to strive for excellence in anything they do as they pursue their dream careers and he highlighted some of the main reasons why people fail to bear fruit in their lives.

“How you live matters; everything matters to Jesus!” Mr Chizana said.

Touching on all the fields of careers; from science, technology, economics to arts and media, Mr Chizana took time to explain how important it is to have Christian believers as leaders in the corporate world.

“Why don’t you find out what the word of God says about your dream career and dream job? Mr Chizana challenged the young people.

He also took some time to dispel the notion that is common and synonymous with religious circles - which suggests that technology and innovation are directly linked to evil- saying that technology is neutral and God is a God of innovation as He is always doing something new.

“Jesus is calling you to change the world with your career!” Mr Chizana challenged the young people in his closing remarks.

Mr Tapiwa Chizana is a qualified chartered accountant with twenty years of professional experience. He was admitted into the Deloitte Partnership in January 2007. He is currently the Risk Leader of Deloitte Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. He has extensive experience in the audit of listed and non-listed entities including local and multinational group audits.

He is also a member of the Turnaround Management Association of Southern Africa and he is the current president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe.



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